March 8, 2024
The Via Dolorosa
FMC Family and Friends:
The fifth station on the Via Dolorosa is where Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus with the cross. It is a scene taken from the New Testament. Jesus is already very tired and is barely able to carry the cross, so the Roman soldiers pick someone from the street who will help him. Simon wasn’t from Jerusalem. He was from Cyrene, somewhere near Libya of today. But he arrived in the city as a pilgrim for Passover. It’s unclear if he helped Jesus for a long time or only for a short while. Anyway, even if it was for a short time, it was helpful.
Many pilgrims stop here and place their palms on the sunken part of the wall. According to tradition, Jesus stopped here to rest, places his hand on the wall, and his hand left an imprint. The building itself is not from Jesus’ time, but the tradition says that the stone with the imprint is from the original building.
“Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus.” (Luke 23:26)

At the sixth station, Veronica wiped the face of Jesus. According to tradition, Veronica was one of Jesus’ followers. Her house was along the route to Golgotha. As Jesus passed, Veronica saw his face covered with sweat and blood. She came out of the house and wiped his face with a piece of cloth she had. Only about 40 yards from the fifth station a small etching (ST. VI) is carved into a wall and marks the home of Veronica and the sixth station. Evidence of Veronica cleaning Jesus’ face does not appear in the Gospels, but tradition holds that his image remained on her cloth.

If you continue up Via Dolorosa Street, you’ll soon arrive at the seventh station of the Via Dolorosa. It is where Jesus fell for the second time. And it makes sense, that Jesus exhausted would stumble again as he climbed the hill.
In the past, Beit HaBad Street was the Western Cardo of Jerusalem, one of the city’s main streets. Since the 13th century, pilgrims referred to this place as “The Gate of Judgement.” According to tradition, this was where Jesus exited the city. The place of the crucifixion was outside the city walls. At that time, the city was much smaller than today, so the walls might have been here.

We see today that Jesus’ journey to the cross was filled with hardships. There were those along the path who abused, Jeus verbally and physically. But we also recognize those whose compassion assisted Jesus on the journey. I often wonder which group I would have been a part of: Those who saw Jesus as a failed ‘leader.’ Or those who saw Jesus’ suffering as proof that He is the true Messiah. As we continue our journey to the cross, we may ask ourselves who Jesus is to us. For me the answer comes not at the cross but at the empty tomb.
Pastor Marty
Attendance: Offering
In Person: 83 $15,033.76
On-Line: Off-Line
We look forward to seeing you in church this Sunday!
MUSIC – is the focus of the 3RD Celebration of our church’s 150th Anniversary countdown. Leila Morris and Paulette Clark will lead us in remembering the importance music has played in the life of the church as well as those who have led us in music through the years.
We look forward to seeing you in church this Sunday!
Bring a friend!
- SCRIPTURE AND MUSIC are an integral part of the history as well as the future of the church. As we continue to celebrate God’s goodness, we will be replacing the hymnals and pew bibles in the sanctuary. You may be a part of this upgrade by purchasing a new hymnal or pew bible in honor or in memory of a loved one.
Our Great Redeemers Praise, the newest hymnal remembering our Methodist roots as well as other great hymns of our faith is available for $35.00. The New Living Translation pew bible is available for $10.00. Order forms are available in the Narthex.
Our beautiful choir and musicians would like to invite any former choir members and any musicians that have played in our church at any time, to please join us in the choir loft on the Pulpit Side as our honorary members for our Easter Service.
We need help with two items:
- Names and possible dates of service for any organists/pianists and choir directors of our church, alive or passed on.
- Names of any former choir members, alive or passed on.
Please send this to Paulette’s Email:
Thank you for your appreciated support and assistance.
Paulette Clark
- Trustees Meeting: Tuesday, March 12th, 5:30 pm, church office.
- Methodist Men: The Methodist Men will be feeding the BCHS Baseball Varsity & JV teams Thursday, March 14th. We will need help prepping and delivery. For more information please contact Lawrence Morrow, 251-422-6747.
- Mission Outreach: There will be a short meeting on Wed, March 20, at 4:15 in the FLC for anyone interested in working together in Christ to grow our Mission outreach. Our mission for 2024-2025 will be to raise awareness of community needs. Christi King is the chair of the Mission Committee.
Please plan to join us at 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 28 for our very special communion service commemorating Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. If you have wooden or pottery plates, bowls, cups, candleholders, or pitchers you would allow us to use to recreate this intimate Passover meal setting please let Lyn Stuart know & bring the items to the church March 24-27.
Burgers and Bingo
On April 18th from 6-8 PM the youth group will be hosting a bake sale at Burger and Bingo on the square. All proceeds from this event will go towards buying new hymnals for the church. If you have a recipe you can share or baked goods you can bring, the more bakery items we can sell the better!
Our children loved putting on their Christmas program for the church and are already asking when they can do something like it again. In their monthly glow kids meeting they will be practicing for an Easter Program for the church! We are overjoyed that our children feel safe and excited to share with their congregation in this way.
Young Adult Small Group
Our young adults, graduated seniors to late 20s, meet every Sunday night 5:30-7 PM. Katrina Zarr leads the group in Bible study, conversation, and fellowship. Dinner is provided, and sometimes outtings to Waffle House are made.
Please join us in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 P.M. for great fellowship and delicious food. Adult meals are $5.00 and Children and Youth eat FREE. Reservations may be made on Attendance Pew Pads or by calling the Church Office 937-8303.
March 13th – Strawberry-Pecan Congealed Salad, Poppy Seed Chicken, Steamed Rice, Southern Green Beans, Yellow Squash Casserole, Rolls and Chess Bars!
March 20th – Garden Salad with Choice of Dressings, Hamburger Steak with Gravy and Onions, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli and Carrots, Rolls and Banana Pudding!
March 27th – NO WNS – SPRING BREAK
- North Baldwin Ecumenical Ministries: March is our month to provide volunteers to help in the food pantry. The pantry is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-12:00. They need one volunteer per day. If you have any questions or would like to sign up to volunteer please contact Gail Jaye at 251-656-1663.