- MAUNDY THURSDAY COMMUNION SERVICE: Please join us for our Maundy Thursday Communion Service at 6:00 P.M. on April 6th. We will share Jesus’ Last Supper in an Upper Room setting. If you have wooden, pottery or clay plates, cups, bowls, pitchers or candlesticks, baskets or jars we can use for the service, or would like to provide food items for our Passover table, please contact Lyn Stuart, Worship Chairman, and put your name on items & deliver to the church by Wednesday, April 5th.
- Save-the-Date: Family Reunion at Solemn Vow. Join us for our 2nd Annual Family Reunion and church picnic on Sunday, April 30th from 2:00 – 6:00 PM. There will be good food, music, games, and fun fellowship for everyone. Please make plans to attend this great event.
- New Curriculum: The Children have started their new curriculum on Wednesday nights, and so far it’s going great! This curriculum focuses on learning through play. After the lesson, the kids reflect on the Bible story through movement, song, crafts, engineering, and more. Each week the kids reflect in a different way so that all learning styles can be catered to. Each month the kids have a memory verse, which so far they have fr exceeded expectations. This month our theme is forgiveness and the memory verse is “Put up with one another. Forgive one another if you are holding something against someone. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. “Colossians 3:13
- Winter retreat: As a result of low sign ups, we rescheduled our winter retreat. It has now turned into a spring retreat, March 27-30th. We are still going to SIFAT in Lineville, AL. Here the kids will engage in a global simulation experience, where they will experience what life is like in other cultures. We still have 4 spots available and are still in need of a chaperone. Please contact Abby Bennett to sign up.
- Girls Night: On March 18th, our 7th-12th grade girls will meet at the church from 5-8PM for food, fellowship, crafts, and worship. We have a couple women as well as some of our college ladies joining to make this night extra special for our girls. We pray that this is a sweet night of reminders for them of how precious, worthy, and loved they are.
- Glow Kids: We have taken a detour from our normal Glow Kids scheduling due to events happening at the church. Our next Glow Kids will be scheduled Sunday March 26th, at 5 PM. Starting in May, glow kids will resume being the first Sunday of every month.